Welcome to Divine Essence

The umbrella and creative platform of healer, artist & designer Vimal Gabrielsen – my activities stretch from meditations, individual healing sessions, workshops, art and design, festivals & retreats to visions of a self-sustainable community living.



healing sessions

Healing Sessions




Living Community

art and design

Art and Design

“The ultimate truth is so simple; it is nothing more than being in one’s natural, original State”

Ramana Maharshi

My passion is to help and inspire people to ‘Live and Create in the Natural State’, which is the presence and meditative state from which all comes and all is created. When we are in this flow, aligned with our life’s purpose and connected to the force of life, we naturally become creative beings serving love and spreading joy and happiness to ourselves and others.

When resting in our Being, we can listen to what wants to unfold; and we effortlessly become a source for people to be nurtured from.

The purpose of my life, my work, and this website is to reconnect people with this inner knowing and realign them with Source.

Hi, I’m Vimal


My life is very easy and simple – I know who I am and therefore I don’t need to be or achieve anything, neither prove anything to myself or others. The people I am connected with seem to benefit from this, they relax and can more easily fall into this Being-ness. I am a person of few words, but when I do speak, it often has an impact on the people and the energy present. Life has given me a strong intuitive sense and one of my gifts is to guide others into the depth of their soul, so they can re-member who they are. I let go into the unknown of each moment and trust that whatever comes through is perfect – whether that is while I’m leading workshops, guiding meditations, designing, giving sessions, or simply when being with my family.

The Divine Essence always shows what wants to unfold. So I become a vessel for God to be shared, to use my mind, to speak through me and create through my hands – in this union, often the most amazing miracles of beauty and healing happen.

Hi I’m Vimal,


My life is very easy and simple – I know who I am and therefore I don’t need to be or achieve anything, neither prove anything to myself or others. The people I am connected with seem to benefit from this, they relax and can more easily fall into this Being-ness. I am a person of few words, but when I do speak, it often has an impact on the people and the energy present. Life has given me a strong intuitive sense and one of my gifts is to guide others into the depth of their soul, so they can re-member who they are. I let go into the unknown of each moment and trust that whatever comes through is perfect – whether that is leading workshops, meditations, designing, giving sessions or simply being with my family.

The Divine Essence always shows what wants to unfold. So I become a vessel for God to be shared, to use my mind, to speak through me and create through my hands – in this union, often the most amazing miracles of beauty and healing happen.

Vimal Gabrielsen

Hi I’m Vimal,


My life is very easy and simple – I know who I am and therefore I don’t need to be or achieve anything, neither prove anything to myself or others. The people I am connected with seem to benefit from this, they relax and can more easily fall into this Being-ness. I am a person of few words, but when I do speak, it often has an impact on the people and the energy present. Life has given me a strong intuitive sense and one of my gifts is to guide others into the depth of their soul, so they can re-member who they are. I let go into the unknown of each moment and trust that whatever comes through is perfect – whether that is leading workshops, meditations, designing, giving sessions or simply being with my family.

The Divine Essence always shows what wants to unfold. So I become a vessel for God to be shared, to use my mind, to speak through me and create through my hands – in this union, often the most amazing miracles of beauty and healing happen.

Weekly Reflection

Talk a little nicer to yourself today.

Talk a little nicer to yourself today.

Upcoming Events

There are currently no events.

What’s new on the Blog. . .

The miracle of my pregnancy and Natural Birth

The miracle of my pregnancy and Natural Birth

I want to tell the story about the miracle our daughter was for us, and how important her birth was for me to know I am just a small, but very powerful part of existence. The doctors said in order to get a child, I needed to undergo hormone treatments. I am a person...

Music as Meditation

Music as Meditation

Music in combination with the vibration of a mantra opens the heart and brings you in the here and now. Time and time again I am touched to see that during a concert people can deeply relax, and this shows to me that mantra’s and music really help to come to silence...